Schiedel Chimney Systems
HETAS ID: | CC123 |
App. Type: | Factory Made Metal Chimneys |
Std. Tested to: | EN 1856-1:2009 |
Flue Sizes: | 127, 152, 178, 203mm |
Manufacturer Address: | Schiedel Metaloterm, Crowther Estate, Washington, Tyne & Wear, NE38 0AQ |
Manufacturer Email: | |
Telephone Number: | 0191 416 1150 |
HETAS has audited and verified that all applicable clauses in the test report have been passed in respect of the materials, design, and construction in accordance with the relevant BS EN type test standard for the appropriate technology, performance criteria of which is below;
Temperature Level | T600 |
Pressure Level | N1 |
Condensate Resistance | D |
Corrosion Resistance | V2 |
Flue Liner Material Specification | L50100 |
The product certified has been assessed for its suitability for installation in domestic properties against the requirements of the Building Regulations and appropriate standards. The performance of the appliance has been verified as meeting the following technical performance attributes;
Firestop | Ventilated Firestops tested to BS 4760-20 by Exova Warringtonfire, report ref 397689; dated 29 May 2018 |
CE Mark Certificate | > FPC certificate re. Nr 0432-CPR-00373-40 by NPA NRW. |
*HETAS product approval is not valid for appliances fitted with an external air supply ducted directly to the appliance. The installer should reference HETAS technical note TN_0020 General Guidance for the Installation, Risk Assessment & Commissioning of Solid Fuel Appliances with a Dedicated External Air Supply for more information.
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